SAH3 Run #883
Absolut AGPU: The Castle Run
Saturday, 4 September 2021, 10:00 CEST
: Bogesundslandet Nature Reserve
: Absolut MisMan, led by Ali Wank Bonk, *low Queen & Bad Pitt (PHNwYW4gZGF0YS1jb250cm9sbGVyPSJvYmZ1c2MiPlBHRWdhSEpsWmowaWJXRnBiSFJ2T214bGJtNWhjblJBYzNabGJuTnpiMjV6WjJWemRHVnlMbk5sSWo1c1pXNXVZWEowUUhOMlpXNXpjMjl1YzJkbGMzUmxjaTV6WlR3dllUND08L3NwYW4+)
: 100 kr

Take the underground red line to Ropsten, be there absolute latest at 10am (9.45am is better!). Get off at the front of the train and take the stairs down, following the signs to the Pendelbåt. If you are familiar with the OLD Ropstens brygga, DON'T GO THERE. Follow the half arrows to the new ferry jetty, a walk of about 6 mins north from the subway station. If you miss the boat, you miss the event! We will meet and take Pendelbåt 80 from the NEW Ropstens brygga at 10.10am.

Coming back, there are several boats to choose from, but the last direct boat leaves Karlsudd ferry jetty at 17.35hrs, and arrives around one hour later at Strömkajen. 

Your boat trips you will pay yourself - so don't forget to bring your SL-card.


The boat trip will take 40 minutes, and we will jump off at Frösviks brygga. The hash cars will meet us there and you can put your bags inside. Pack swimgear, towel and dry clothes if it's nice weather. 

Soon after, we start to run/walk over the beautiful nature reserve at Bogesundslandet.  We've listened to feedback, and it will now be an A-B-C run, where:

  • A-B is a 2-3km trail for ballbreaker runners – fast, few checks, no hanging around
  • the B-point is a slow & easy 1km walk from the ferry along the main road and becomes the new start point for runners who don’t want to do the long run, as well as walkers. For those that don’t even want to walk to the B-point, vehicles will be available to shuttle hashers from A to B (5 minutes in the car)
  • B-C is now a more manageable 9km for walkers and 11km for runners, and cars will also be available if necessary to shuttle hashers from the various DS to the C-point

Please note the revised lengths of the trails: minimum 12km for runners and 10km for walkers. Pack & dress accordingly.

There will be a sandwich to eat at the second-last drink stop, since we will have the circle straight after the run, followed by a late lunch at 3pm. 

At the end of the run, there will be a swim stop at the beach (weather permitting), and then we will walk 1km to the hostel behind the castle for the circle, followed by lunch and the usual formal AGPU ceremonies. 

Bogesunds Slott Hostel will provide us with a cooked lunch and an indoor venue for the speeches, discussions, awards, voting, etc.

To catch the last direct ferry back to town, we have to leave the castle at 4.30pm since it's a 3km/45 minute walk to the ferry jetty. Tranny Granny has threatened to host a Hash Quiz on the boat to keep your half-minds occupied.


Although the AGPU formally ends on the boat, thirsty hashers can continue the evening at an afterparty in central Stockholm. Room for 30 hashers has been reserved at The Auld Dub (former Dubliners) in Hötorget from 7pm. Tranny Granny is the host for that, and there will be a tab behind the bar courtesy of the AH3.


We want to give something back to those hardy hashers who have supported us through thick & thin over the last 12 months during this difficult covid period, so there will be limit in numbers and priority will be given to regular hashers. The deadine has now passed for registration, since we needed to inform the hostel how many are coming.

The cost is set at 100kr/hasher, with the hash paying the difference.


Absolut MisMan

Last updated about 3 years ago.