SAH3 Run #882
Fermented Herring No 8
Saturday, 21 August 2021, 11:45 CEST
: Väsbystrands brygga
: Ferdinand TBS & SillyConFeet (PGEgaHJlZj0idGVsOjA3MjIyMjY1ODAiPjA3MjIyMjY1ODA8L2E+)
: 100 kr
: Kvarnbergsvägen 8

WHAT: Absolute #882 – The 8th Smelly # on fish fork island (Ljusterö).

WHEN: 21st of August when Vaxholmsbåtsferry arrives at Väsbystrand landing 11.45.

WHERE: A=Väsbystrand, B=Casa SillyConFeet on Kvarnbergsvägen 8.

FEEDBACK: Please let us know latest Wednesday the 18th of August

1/ if u r cuming so amount of food and beverage can be planned for.

2/ if u r staying over so we can prepare transports and beds.

3/ how u r cuming (vaxholmsboat, bus, own boat or car...)

TRAIL There will be walkers and runners trail. Walkers trail will be about 7-8 k and runner a bit longer including one optional swimstops and one DS.


Getting there:

Alt 1 – Vaxholmsboat from Strömkajen @ 9.00 (or from Vaxholm @ 10.10) arriving at Väsbystrand 11.45. It costs 114 kr without discount. Be there in good time before departure, at least 20 min, to be sure you get on the boat. They have a cafeteria onboard so you can eat breakfast while enjoying the trip.

Alt 2 – Own car – drive to Casa SillyConFeet. Be there latest 11 and we will arrange some kind of shuttle traffic to Väsbystrand.

Alt 3 – Own boat. You can anchor at landing by casa SillyConFeet. Let SCF know a couple of days advance in order to arrange for mooring. Coordinates: 59.471290 & 18.573994 or Latitude: 59°28.267N & Longitude: 18°34.433E.

Alt 4 – SL bus 626 from Danderyds Sjukhus 9.25 to Väsby vägskäl 10.56.  Unfortunately not synked with Vaxholmsboat arriving to Väsbystrand. You got 45 minutes to take yourself to Väsbystrands Vaxholmsbrygga. It's 2.7 km and according to google maps a 34 minutes walk. If you get thirsty, you can always stop at Ljusterö Golf restaurant at Väsby gård which is about half way.

Getting back:

Alt 1 Bus 626 same day @

- 15.44 (Lillström to Åkersberga, then take Roslagsbanan. will probably not have time to eat much),

- 17.55 (Mjölnarström to Danderyds Sjukhus)

- 19.44 (to Danderyds Sjukhus) 20.48 (to Åkersberga).

Bus day after, see winter time table.

Alt 2 Vaxholmsboat from Stensvik 18.46. or Linanäs 18.00 to Strömkajen same day. Unfortunately these landings are 3.5 resp 5 km walk from OnIn and no buses timetables are not synced so if you go back same day and are in a hurry we recommend that you take the bus instead. If you plan to sleep over we can give you a ride by car to the landing.

FOOD: Fermented Herring with accessories. For those not fond of the smelly stuff there will be Crayfish and a vegetarian alternative to fermented herring. There will be a non smelly desert. No one will force you to eat the smelly stuff 😋.

ACCOMODATION: There are extra beds indoor for 6, 2 in the sailing boat, a sofa and a tent friendly garden. Nordic Seamen will have 4 bunks in his boat for those that prefer to stay there. If you plan to stay, please bring a sleeping bag or duvet and a pillowcase.

STAFF: Ferdinand the Bullshit, Hot Stuff as Fermented herring general and SillyConFeet as hare.

DRESS CODE: Hash gear after weather. There will be a swimstop for those that like swimming. In that case, bring swimming gear.


-Emergency phone number: 0722226580 (SCF).

- Bring swim gear and towel in a bag so we can take it to the swimstop.


Fermentinand the Smellfish & SmellyConFeet

Last updated about 3 years ago.