SAH3 Run #874
The Not-the-Marathon-Hash Hash
Saturday, 1 May 2021, 15:00 CEST
: Ralångsvägen 1A, Årsta
: Ali Wank Bonk & Violent Volvo (PGEgaHJlZj0idGVsOjA3MDY5MDM0NDAiPjA3MCA2OTAzNDQwPC9hPg==)
: 40+60kr

There is a separate Marathon Hash taking place in Stockholm on 1 May. This isn't it. We are a drinking club with a running problem. If you are stupid enough to want to run 42,195m, look elsewhere. 

Since most of the regular hashers will attend the marathon hash, we are assuming that there are only a few hardy hashers who will want to meet up for fun & frolics. We are therefore inviting you to come to our roof terrace where we will sit outside for food and drinks.

We are setting a maximum limit of 20 hashers (including us), so please SMS/call me at 070 6903440 by Thursday evening to confirm attendance. First come, first served. If you don't book, you can't come.

Take the tvärbana to Linde station and follow the half-arrows to Ralångsvägen 1A. The door code will be communicated to those lucky 20 hashers nearer the time.

It might (will?) be cold & windy, so bring warm clothes. 


In solidarity with our crazy marathon hashers, we will have a 421.95m trail, which is exactly one-hundredth the length of a normal marathon. We don't want to overdo it, after all. You can do it 100 times in your own time if you wish, but you might get dizzy. 

Don't forget to bring your mugs, because there will be a drinks stop halfway along the trail since we'll all be extremely thirsty by then!!

We will then return to the roof terrace for food & drinks, having completed another eventful hash. 

The marathoners are likely to have passed Linde well before the Absolut starts at 3pm, so unfortunately we won't have the chance to hurl insults at them as they totter past.

The cost for food will be a non-negotiable 60kr extra per person (i.e. you can't come and decide not to eat), and there will be beer and wine available at cost as per normal procedure. You are welcome to bring your own drinks if you want.


Last updated over 3 years ago.