SAH3 Run #873
The Finnish Run
Saturday, 17 April 2021, 15:00 CEST
: Årsta
: Ali Wank Bonk & Violent Volvo
: 40 kr

Take the tvärbana to Linde station, and follow the half-arrows 300m to the entrance to our flat. We will meet outside there. There are also busses that come close (144, for example).

Hash car will be provided.

Please note that, due to the ongoing coronavirus restrictions, it is with regret that we cannot have the hash gathering in our flat or a circle. 


There will be a single 7km trail laid with four drink stops from Finland along the way!! So bring your mugs! If there are more than one group of runners, the second group will run it backwards.

There will of course be a walk, led by VV.

No On Inn is planned, but there are plenty of restaurants in the vicinity. Our recommendation is Hjälmaren, up the road in Årsta torg.

Usual caveats apply regarding the virus.


Last updated over 3 years ago.