GH3 Run #75: The family version of the future Puke Hash
: 2011-08-13
: Vallhamra Torg
: Hairy Nuts and his tribe
: Hairy Nuts

Run no 75 Family Puke Hash

In sunny August 13, run #75 Family Puke Hash started in Vallhamra Torg. After having waited for "a missed bus" 22 eager virgins and hashers circled up to get informed by the Hare, Hairy Nuts, today showing off in a Hash Kilt and sporran. As the Puke Hash should be a shiggy trail, some extra information was given weeks before: bring clothes for swimming and dry clothes to put on afterwards. Few seemed to be able to remember what they had read.

A to B, 4km of walking and 10km of running was to be expected. The run was a family version of a future Puke Hash. The pack got informed of what the sporran contained: First aid kit for shotwounds. On-on was soon called out and only three runners + the Hare took off for the pre Puke Hash trail. The run started off in civilisation but soon the forest took over. The wankers followed a beautifull gorge with a stream up to the beer stop. FRB Shrimp Spew had to run in circles as fishhooks efficiently brougth him back to the pack. Soon the climb up on the "Goat Back" started with a spectacular view over the area on the top.

Just before the beer stop the trail ended on the shore of Svarttjärn. A short swim away and there the walkers waited. Somehow Shrimp Spew already was there. Dry. Ski Pooper excused himself with "I have not brougth any other clothes and I'm driving my car home tonight."

Who was the first to down a beer at the beer stop? Well, Jerk Off and the Hare swam over the lake. For being the first Puke Hasher, Jerk Off and Hairy Nuts got the first cups of Pernod at the beer stop killing the shiggies. 7 horrors ran around playing in the water and climbing the cliff wall while the rest of the pack downed beer and Pernod. Once again On-on was called and this time the rest of the trail was even shiggy for the walkers. Shrimp Spew soon tried to short-cut the run by taking the walkers trail but he was called back. The runners soon arrived to the walkers trail and shared it for a while. Nearing the civilisation the trail split and soon we came to a swamp and no feets crossed with dry socks.

On-In was called out in Puketorp and the beer was soon out. Former RA Queen Latifa called for the circle and quickly she started off with truck loads of down-downs. Some to remember was: Virgins Cristian, Madde and Catrine got their share. RA thought Shrimp Spew and Hairy Nuts had new shoes, therefore they had to try the mixed swamp and sweat odours with beer out of a shoe. Just Natalie got her name in beer and flour: Duracell Bunny. Jenny who haven't benn hashing for years had forgot her name. She therefore got a new: Forgotten Fuck. Shaven Bottom, always getting down-downs for her late arrivals got a new name too, Late Cummin.

The pack was informed of the delayed t-shirts and that we also wanted to get jackets and horror sized t-shirts. After the circle BBQ started in the garden and soon the horrors left the parents and played around. True Puke hashers, the runners had to be kicked out of the house before the children woke up.

On the Scribe, Hairy Nuts