GH3 Run #78: Puke run
: 2011-11-19
: Puketorp Sävedalen
: Hairy Nuts
: Hairy Nuts

Puke Run
Shiggy and wet, that is Puke Run (a new litter in Gothenburg Kennel some said, and why not add Wanking Wednesday to that?).
8 runners showed up and two lost wankers in full running regalia.
This time there where a few more stops in favor of the new Puke tradition. A short run from the take-off we stopped at the Holy Puke House where the Hare informed the runners of What Puke really are. One history says that the knigth Puke had built the house. Check-Back, Fish Hook, Tits Check and other markings was shown.
Once again we set off for a short run to the border of the forest where we stopped at the marking Gear Stop. To safely do this Puke event it was announced to be prepared for slippy, wet forest full of elk hunters. Spikes on shoes, whistle and first aid for gun shot wounds. They all thougth the Hare was joking. The Wankers, Swinging Tits and Four 'n' Twenty, volounteered for Hash Quack but they took a walk in another direction. Pisspots.
On we went up, up in the shiggies. Coming to the first off-road deep shit the FRB's just went around it. Knee deep only but buschy we soon went on to the next swamp area that couldn't be avoided. At the end off the swamped valley a rock stopped any running. Here an arrow pointed upwards but some dots could be found for the less daring runners. No pisspots here, all took the more dangerous climbing trail.
A fishhook let FRB Just Anders meet up the SRB's and soon we ran as a pack again.
A double crossing of a stream was skipped by FRB Less Be Honest and Just Lisa and they got their down down for that in the circle. After a short while BS was signalled. Beer and water for all. On-On agian after the quick beer stop and after a Tit Check we went through the last muddy area. copming close to civilisation, FRB left the trail and took a short cut to On-In. SRB Just Martin, complaining of hangoover, did however find the correct way and a muddy trail later, On-In was heard after about 8km and the last part in semi-darkness.
The Hare started the circle and everyone got a monkey brain in the hand. The runners was told to kneel down and with a sword all got knighted Puke Runner. Down-down the monkey brain got. GM Shrimp Spew took the lead and delivered quickly loads of down-downs.
Naming: Horror Just Embla got the name Dot Spotter and Just Martin became Whole Shit after some discussions.
Circle closed and after some quick showers pea-soup with punsch was served. Party went on all night and there were some possible evidence of Puke. A bunch of hashers found places for sleep-over. A true Puke Run.
Hats off for GM
On the Scribe/Hairy Nuts