SPOR&DIC Run #91
National Day Run 2024
Thursday, 6 June 2024, 15:00 CEST
: Hornstull
: Laid Bird & Titan Dick
: 18 °C, partially cloudy, gentle breeze.
: Around 55
: Hirschenkeller

Time to dust of your Sweden dresses or at least come in blue and yellow, think Sweden. 🥳

Let's celebrate the Swedish National Day with another run. This time on Söder.
There will be walkers and runners options.
Drinks stops, swim stops, sing stops, play stops well I don't know if this is it or more or less. I do know it will be fun.

If weather permittes we will can hang in the park after the run so bring your preference of drinks.  

Hope to see you there. 

Last updated 3 months ago.