GH3 Run #94
Kungsviken Run
Saturday, 20 April 2013, 00:14 CEST
: At Fire Thighs house in Kungsviken, Orust
: Fire Thighs

How to register : Please let ut know if you are cuming; send an email directly to Fire Thigs or contact hash sex. Details : House and beds are provided by the hare, please bring sleeping bag and towel. Dance floor and music provided by Stenungsbaden Yacht Club. Schedule : * Show up in Kungsviken at 14.00 * Run at 15.00 will be set in the beautiful surroundings of Kungsviken, possible swim stop for the brave! NOTE: This is the hash, if you do silly stuff no one will be sober enough to assist, dead bodies will be left behind. * Beer stop: YOU BET * Circle and silliness in the garden at 17. On after dinner is served around 19.00. * Serious on after will continue at 22.00 at Stenungsbaden Yacht Club where we will mingle among civilians. Whatever happens after that is your own business, we won't judge. Logistics : Cars and drivers to and back from Stenungsbaden will be provided by the hare, plus one DD, to be nominated at a later point.

Last updated 7 months ago.