GH3 Run #100
Island run
Saturday, 14 September 2013
: Saltholmen
: Penis Boy and Das Mini Weenie

Plan for a Big Celebration 14 of Sept as we will do our 100th Run! Do you plan to attend to our 100th run 14 of Sept? A fun day ofta Hashing on the islands with nice food and a special t-shirt to celebrate this event. The special celebration of Run #100 will be remembered for all times on a new long sleeved functional shirt. For additional 50 kronor you can have your Hash name printed. Inform me by mail or here of your way of spelling your Hash Name and the size of your shirt. S, M, L, XL and XXL. End sizes are limited. I need your info 1 of Sept. 9 o'clock at the latest.

Last updated 7 months ago.