SAH3 Run #870
The Absolutely Fabulous spring run
Saturday, 6 March 2021, 15:00 CET
: Skanstull/Thai boat
: Cums Quickly & Dirty Dancer (PGEgaHJlZj0idGVsOjA3MDgyMTQ3MzciPjA3MDgyMTQ3Mzc8L2E+)
: 40 kr
: No no

Welcome to this first spring run on beautiful söder! There will be walkers and runners trail with drink stop(s)?! Maybe a special treat to celebrate Cums Quicklys first ever laid trail?

We meet on the open area in front of the Thai boat. Remember to keep distance and follow Corona rules.

Running in groups of 8, first start 15:00, second group start 15:10, etc.




Last updated over 3 years ago.