SAH3 Run #854
Saturday, 25 July 2020, 15:00 CEST
: Tullinge
: Sprintosaurus (PHNwYW4gZGF0YS1jb250cm9sbGVyPSJvYmZ1c2MiPlBHRWdhSEpsWmowaWJXRnBiSFJ2T21oaGJuTXVaWEpwWTNOdmJrQmljbVZrWW1GdVpDNXVaWFFpUG1oaGJuTXVaWEpwWTNOdmJrQmljbVZrWW1GdVpDNXVaWFE4TDJFKzwvc3Bhbj48YSBocmVmPSJ0ZWw6MDc2MDgxNTI0NyI+MDc2MC04MTUyNDc8L2E+)
: 40 kr
: Tullinge Pizzeria & Restaurant

Bike/run/walk or take the Commuter train towards "Södertälje Centrum" or "Tumba" to "Tullinge" (south exit that is closest to "Tumba")  and from there follow the half arrows to the parking lot on the other side of "Huddingevägen" (Road 226) close to "Tullinge centrum".

The trail will be short, bike and pram friendly and have different things to drink at the drink stops , so you can bring a mug or get a paper mug from me before  the run ...

There is no official On-Inn , but if you really insist you can go to Tullinge Pizzeria & Restaurant or Castor 30 meters to the right of it to have something to eat and/or drink in "Tullinge centrum" at Nyängsvägen 3...

To see where the Commuter trains are you can look at:


Last updated about 4 years ago.