SAH3 Run #851
66 Clickety Click
Saturday, 13 June 2020, 14:00 CEST
: Rimbo Station
: Ramblin Rod (PGEgaHJlZj0idGVsOjA3MDM4NzczMTYiPjA3MDM4NzczMTY8L2E+)
: 100 kr

A-B-C Run, Rimbo Station - Rånäs - Ubbylångsjön. Optional sleepover at Ramblin's summer house.

Run starts at 14.00, take the 639 bus from Tekniska leaving at 1300.  Hash car will be there for bags etc.  

Return bus 648 from Rånäs leaves 1623. (If you miss this there is a later bus at 1823) Light meal and drinks/circle before bus departs.

For walkers it is an easy, scenic trail of about 6km along a disused railway - pram friendly even.

Run will continue from Rånäs to Ubbylångsjön for those wanting to sleep over or able to arrange transport back that evening: barbeque and general partying (with social distancing), swimming, hopefully nice weather. Second half of trail will be through woods and countryside and not walker friendly.

There are other options if you would just like to do the second half of the trail and/or return that evening - take the 639 bus at 1400 from Tekniska to Rimbo, then the 648 bus to  Rånäs at 1533 and meet us there.  Return bus 648 from Ubby at 1808.

If you want to come directly to C, either to leave a car, get lost on trail and need to take a taxi,  or just come for the on-after (all invited), the address is Gamla Sjöstuguvagn, 15, Rånäs. For instructions on getting there, see SA3 Rerun #830 for details


For those who would like a long run following the cancellation of the marathon hash, here is your chance.  Full run from Rimbo to Ubbylångsjön will  be 14km+. General plan is to be there about 1800.

If you want to stay over, bring tent/sleeping gear. May have limited crash space. If you want to drive out, we can organize logistics to leave some cars at the summer house before returning to Rimbo for the run.

Let me know if you are coming on the run/staying over.  Breakfast will be available for those still around in the morning.

Schedule Summary

  • 1400 Chalk talk at Rimbo Station
  • 1545 Arrive Rånäs, circle, drinks, light meal
  • 1615 Depart Rånäs, either by bus back to town or on second half of run
  • 1800 Arrive Ubbylångsjön 

Last updated over 4 years ago.