SAH3 Run #847
Saturday, 18 April 2020, 15:00 CEST
: Norra Ulvsunda
: Pirate Of The Queeribean & Fluffy Bunny (PGEgaHJlZj0idGVsOjA3OTMzNzE0NjEiPjA3OTMzNzE0NjE8L2E+)
: 40 kr
: Norra Ulvsunda Bastusällskap

At the moment we of course recommend you to bike, run, walk or drive to the run. Don´t travel publicly if you don´t have to...

The adress for the on-in is: Ekbacksvägen 32, Bromma. Parking is available on the street behind the building.

Best option for travelling public is to take Tvärbanan to Norra Ulvsunda and get off the train. Look for halfarrows to the on-in.

There is also bus-options, check Nearest bus-stop is Voltavägen.


There will be at run, drinkstop, food & a warm big sauna.

Everyone is welcome to the run as long as you are healthy and don´t have a cold, flu, corona etc. We strongly remind you about the importance of washing your hands and other bodyparts, keep your social distance and don´t have sex on trail!

We will provide you with a on-in after the run & circle. Everyone is welcome to stay on after for some beers, food and the optional grand big sauna.

FOOD: There will be Thai-food, this time served in portions. You will have the choice of a non-vego dish and a vego dish. The hares need to know in advance how many who wants to eat, so please respond to Pirate either on mail to PGEgaHJlZj0ibWFpbHRvOmRhdmlkLnJvZ25saWVuQGdtYWlsLmNvbSI+ZGF2aWQucm9nbmxpZW5AZ21haWwuY29tPC9hPg== or a text to 0793371461 on your choice of dish. Preferrably by friday. There will be a charge for the food, price not set yet but maybe 80-100 kr.

DRINKS: There will be BEERS and wine for sale to costprices. Remember to bring your own drinking vessel.

SAUNA: IMPORTANT: We have a tragic situation going on in the world at the moment, so if you´re not feeling 110% fit for fight, if you´re showing any sympthoms of being sick or feeling down. Do not go into the sauna! If and when entering the sauna you respect the situation and everyone around you by making sure that you and everyone else shower first and everyone keep social distance also in the sauna.

Remember your foldable mug for the run & circle and maybe some other drinking vessel for the on-after.

Wash your hands at all times and stay at a safe distance.

Last updated over 4 years ago.