SAH3 Run #845
Vernal Equinox
Saturday, 21 March 2020, 15:00 CET
: Gamla Stan
: Ramblin' (PGEgaHJlZj0idGVsOjA3MDM4NzczMTYiPjA3MDM4NzczMTY8L2E+)
: 100 kr

Gamla Stan, go up Tyska Brinken until you are under the chestnut tree.


Updated 19 March

Because of the ongoing CoronaVirus pandemic, our lokal in Gamla Stan will be unavailable for use by non-residents. 

Since we are all Half Minds and want to run anyway,  I will still lay a trail (this may be the last run for a number of weeks if the city follows most other parts of the world by going into full lockdown).  You can leave any gear inside the lokal while we are out on the run.

We will have a number of drink stops, with various alcoholic beverages and food that I have bought back from my overseas travels (fine Cognac, qurt and dried fish from Kazakhstan, South African wine and biltong, Belgian beer and chocolate, and more...).  At the end of the trail I will arrange some hot snacks and drinks (wine and beer) for the circle, which we will have to conduct outside.

If venues are still open in two days time, we can carry on at the Temple Bar.





Spring has sprung, so the forecast is for freezing cold condtions. Dress accordingly. As usual, let the hare know if you are coming and any dietary restrictions.

Last updated over 4 years ago.