GH3 Run #170
Island Hash
Saturday, 17 August 2019, 14:00 CEST
: Björkö Harbor
: Running Nuts and Jerk OffJerk OffJerk Off
Travelling by bus: 12:52 from Centralstationen or 12:57 from Stenpiren. Red Express to Lilla Varholmen. 13:40 Ferry departs from Lilla Varholmen to Björkö. Travelling by car: 13:40 Ferry departs from Lilla Varholmen to Björkö. Note: It is very important you don't miss this ferry. We will not wait for anyone who is late! As you get off the ferry, car transportation is waiting to bring you to Björkö Harbor, start of the hash. It is possible to drop off some luggage. The hash will offer beautiful nature, possibilities for swimming. After run we will eat at the Pizzeria, offering pizza, salads, kebab, hamburgers, pasta etc. Everyone pays their own bill. After dinner we can either go for drinks at Seaside, or just hang around the cliffs for sunset. Ferries run every half hour, followed by bus back to the city. Please sign up (on facebook or email) no later than 15/8, so reservation can be made at the restaurant in advance.

Hares: Running Nuts and Jerk Off Travelling by bus: 12:52 from Centralstationen or 12:57 from Stenpiren. Red Express to Lilla Varholmen. 13:40 Ferry departs from Lilla Varholmen to Björkö. Travelling by car: 13:40 Ferry departs from Lilla Varholmen to Björkö. Note: It is very important you don't miss this ferry. We will not wait for anyone who is late! As you get off the ferry, car transportation is waiting to bring you to Björkö Harbor, start of the hash. It is possible to drop off some luggage. The hash will offer beautiful nature, possibilities for swimming. After run we will eat at the Pizzeria, offering pizza, salads, kebab, hamburgers, pasta etc. Everyone pays their own bill. After dinner we can either go for drinks at Seaside, or just hang around the cliffs for sunset. Ferries run every half hour, followed by bus back to the city. Please sign up (on facebook or email) no later than 15/8, so reservation can be made at the restaurant in advance.

Last updated 7 months ago.