SAH3 Run #838
Christmas Run
Saturday, 14 December 2019, 14:00 CET
: Stockholm
: SprintosaurusSprintosaurusSprintosaurus (PHNwYW4gZGF0YS1jb250cm9sbGVyPSJvYmZ1c2MiPlBHRWdhSEpsWmowaWJXRnBiSFJ2T21oaGJuTXVaWEpwWTNOdmJrQmljbVZrWW1GdVpDNXVaWFFpUG1oaGJuTXVaWEpwWTNOdmJrQmljbVZrWW1GdVpDNXVaWFE4TDJFKzwvc3Bhbj4gPGEgaHJlZj0idGVsOjA3NjA4MTUyNDciPjA3NjAtODEgNTIgNDc8L2E+)
: 40 kr
: Temple bar

Urgent info: No hash car or storage room at Temple bar so run or walk with or without a back pack ...


Underground "Gröna linjen" ("TB1") /  "Röda linjen" ("TB2") to (T) "Gamla stan" and/or run/walk to Temple Bar at Kornhamnstorg 55 in Gamla stan ...

You may want look at these (1-2):

1) Resrobot ( "B" "Stop / Address / Point of interest" "Gamla Stan T-bana (Stockholm kn)" )!P|TP!histId|0!histKey|H63231


2) Traffic information on the "Gröna linjen" ("TB1") /  "Röda linjen" ("TB2") Underground lines that both goes to  "Gamla stan" ):

(that also has information on "Pendeltåg" / "Tvärbanan" / "Roslagsbanan" / "Saltsjöbanan" / "Lidingöbanan" / "Linje 7" and "Blå linjen")


A-A run starting 14:00 from Temple bar in Gamla stan (15:30 circle, 16:00-17:00 food and drink)

followed by an optional Pub crawl starting at 17:00 ...


If you want to eat pizza without alcohol you can eat before the run

or between 16:00-17:00 here:


I need to know how much fluid to bring so email me or tell me IRL if you are

coming or not and how much fluid you want with or without alcohol and if

you are coming or not to a pub crawl starting at 17:00 and if you have any

suggestions for pubs for the pub crawl...



Last updated almost 5 years ago.