SAH3 Run #830
Triathlon Hash
Saturday, 24 August 2019, 15:00 CEST
: Gamla Sjöstuguvagn 15, Rånäs
: MalibogSir MaliBogSir MaliBog & Ramblin RodRamblin' RodRamblin' Rod (PHNwYW4gZGF0YS1jb250cm9sbGVyPSJvYmZ1c2MiPlBHRWdhSEpsWmowaWJXRnBiSFJ2T25KdlpDNXpkR1Z3YUdWdWMyOXVRR2R0WVdsc0xtTnZiU0krY205a0xuTjBaWEJvWlc1emIyNUFaMjFoYVd3dVkyOXRQQzloUGc9PTwvc3Bhbj4=)
: 100 kr

Getting there...

There are buses to Ubby (stop Djärvs vägskäl) which run just a few times on weekends. Come early and enjoy swimming in the lake and boating. Here are the options:

Driving. If you come up the E4, turn off at Arlanda and follow 273 to Gottrora, then turn towards Rimbo. About 1.5km down the road turn off left towards Rånäs, then after 4.5km turn left towards Knutby. Follow this to the Abrahamsby turnoff, then follow hash signs.

Alternatively, E18 to Rimbo, then E77 for 6km then turn right towards Rånäs. Go past Fasternas Kyrka and the ruined castle, then left and right towards Knutby to Abrahamsby turnoff.

Cycling. It is 33km via scenic back roads from Märsta to via Vidbo/Husby and Abrahamsby. Take the train to Marsta and enjoy a ride through the countryside.


Malibog is organizing the Bash (Bike Hash) trail from Märsta station to the venue. Leave Stockholm about 10.00am and meet there, departing around 11.00am. An easy two hour ride from there. I will meet at the station with a car, and take bags/tents etc and a couple of passengers.

By Bus:

The nearest stop is "Djärvs vägskäl", which is actually one stop past Ubby, when the bus is on its way back to Rimbo. (The bus does a loop at the end of the line) 


1000  Bus 639 Tekniska Hogskolan - Rimbo, 11.02 Bus 648 Rimbo - Ubby 11.35.

Getting Home. The last local bus leaves Ubby at 1808, so you can make that if you leave right after the run. But stay over if you can, there is early bus from Rånäs, or a later bus (1136 from Ubby).

If you need to get home Saturday evening there are buses every hour from Rimbo. We will try and get people into cars (I won't be driving however...) or will arrange a late taxi pickup if we have enough people.


With any luck the hot weather will still be around next month. We will do a rerun of the Triathlon hash from last year (but with new trail for both the bike ride and the run!) Run will start once the riders are in - hopefully they will manage it in less than the three + hours it took last year. We plan to have the run at 2.00pm if the riders are in - then you can catch the 1808 bus from Ubby if you are Sprintosaurus.

So beg, borrow or steal a bike (I have a spare). A mountain  bike is best (there will be some back roads trail getting to the venue), but a road bike will work.

Stay over if you want, we have plenty of crash space (first come gets the stuga, also two bunks and a bed in the workshop, and unlimited floor and camping space), will put on breakfast (free) for those who stay. If you do the ride, you can ride back to Märsta in the evening or next day. (Or just get a lift back to town and pick up your bikes a couple of months later..., the current *longest* time for doing the trail is held by Malibog and Red Horse, who finally completed it in seven weeks and three days...)

Let me know if coming and whether staying over. If driving, do you have space for anyone else or can do a pickup in Rimbo. If coming by bus, when do you want to arrive?

Last updated about 5 years ago.