SAH3 Run #826
The Recycled (Re)Run, a 10 Year Analversary
Saturday, 29 June 2019, 15:00 CEST
: Ljungbergsgatan 3, Norrtälje
: *low Queen (PHNwYW4gZGF0YS1jb250cm9sbGVyPSJvYmZ1c2MiPlBHRWdhSEpsWmowaWJXRnBiSFJ2T21Kc2IydGxkMlZsYmtCbmJXRnBiQzVqYjIwaVBtSnNiMnRsZDJWbGJrQm5iV0ZwYkM1amIyMDhMMkUrPC9zcGFuPiwgPGEgaHJlZj0idGVsOjA3MzY1MDI4MzAiPjA3My02NTAgMjggMzA8L2E+)
: 100 kr
Travel to & from the hash is super simple and very convenient with SL's 676 double deckers busses. They depart from Tekniska högskolan or Danderyds sjukhus every 15 min during the daytime and return every 30 min in the evening on the way back until (very) late. The trip takes about an hour, so I suggest taking the bus that leaves Tekniska högskolan 13:35 or Danderyds sjukhus 13:48. Get off at Norrtälje Gustavslund 14:42 (by ICA Flygfyren, right after the Campus Roslagen stop). From there, it's a short 5-10 min walk to the On Inn and run start. Just follow the half arrows.

H3llo everyone and welcum to Norrtälje for the 10th year r*nning!

(It's also my 100th* Absolut Run and 1000th** run overall, so there are lots of zeroes to celebrate. 🥳)

The forecast calls 17-20 °C with partial cloud cover, so perfect for r*nning. Apart from multiple Drink Stops, there will most likely be Swim Stop or maybe even a Swim Shortcut too.

The theme for this trail is recycling, so bring your oldest, most tattered hash gear to show off your age... I mean your experience! 😁 The hare promises at least 95% recycled trail material in return and most likely a repeat from previous year's menus as well. ♽

On the other hand, the beer – a 7.7% hazy concoction by the name of Cosmic Catnip – is super fresh as it came into existence a mere two weeks ago and is slowly maturing as we speak.
Please let me know by Thursday, June 27 (but preferably asap) if you're planning on cumming.
As usual, there will be limited sleeping spaces available indoors, but plenty of room for tents in the garden. Please let me know if you'd like to stay overnight what type of lodging you would prefer (a mattress on the floor or to sleep in a tent). I have plenty of pillows and blankets, but please bring your own sheets or sleeping bag. I have some extra tents too, so you don't necessarily need to bring your own.
Likewise, if you have any food allergies or if there things you really hate putting in your mouth,*** please let me know this too.
Please tell me a) if you're cumming, b) if you're staying the night, and c) if you're allergic to anything.
Thanks and hope to see you there!
On On,
Decennial Queen

*) +1.
**) -69.
***) No, not that! You know, you really have a filthy imagination... 😝

Last updated over 5 years ago.