SAH3 Run #823
Saturday, 18 May 2019
: Skantzö Bad & Camping, Hallstahammar
: Interscandi Hallstahammar
: See comments. If you are registred for Interscandi the runfee is included



See the Interscandi 2019 website for more info.
There will be several trails, a buffé and then a circle.

Only the run incl drink stop (no circle) = 75 sek

The run and lunch buffé and circle = 250 sek 

The run, buffé, circle and evening dinner including beer/wine = 500 sek.  

There will be four different trails that day and the Absolut hash will set the Ballbreaker. You can run any of the four trails and count it as an Absolut run. 

Last updated over 5 years ago.