SAH3 Run #821
Saturday, 20 April 2019, 15:00 CEST
: Norra Ulvsunda
: Fluffy BunnyFluffy BunnyFluffy Bunny & Pirate Of The QueeribeanPirate of the QueeribeanPirate of the Queeribean (PGEgaHJlZj0idGVsOjA3OTMzNzE0NjEiPjA3OTMzNzE0NjE8L2E+)
: 100 kr
: Norra Ulvsunda Bastusällskap

To get there take Tvärbanan to Norra Ulvsunda and follow halfminded arrows to the sauna place.

There is also different bus stops around where you can find your own way to the on-in.

Driving a car is as usually not recommended to a Saturday hash since there will be beers involved.


Easter Easter Easter

It´s going to be a trail, it may be available for things on wheels but we will see. There will be cold sauna & warm beers, or maybe it was the other way around. You have to be there to find out if we figured it out! It might also be a drinkstop or two...

Will there be easterbunny´s? Come dressed as one, maybe you´ll get a reward for it!

Theme of the day is of course yellow.

It will be plenty of Thai food for everyone who pays hashcash (to be payed before run starts), with veggie option also.

Hashcash if you don´t want to have food is SEK 30,-

Beer and wine will be sold at cheap price!

Last updated almost 5 years ago.