SAH3 Run #804
The smelly hash
Saturday, 25 August 2018, 11:20 CEST
: Öran by boat or Vadholma Vägskäl by bus
: Silly Con FeetSilly Con FeetSilly Con Feet (PHNwYW4gZGF0YS1jb250cm9sbGVyPSJvYmZ1c2MiPlBHRWdhSEpsWmowaWJXRnBiSFJ2T21kMWJtNWhjaTUyYjNoaWVVQjBaV3hwWVM1amIyMGlQbWQxYm01aGNpNTJiM2hpZVVCMFpXeHBZUzVqYjIwOEwyRSs8L3NwYW4+)
: 100 kr
: Kvarnbergsvägen 8

WHAT: Absolute #804 – the Smelly Hash on fish fork island (Ljusterö). 

WHEN: NOTE – THIS HASH WILL START around 11.20 when the Waxholm boat arrived @ Öran 11.17 and the SL bus arrived @ Vadholma vägskäl 11.18 Saturday the 25th of August 2018.

WHERE: A will be Öran and Vadholma vägskäl, B will be Casa SillyConFeet on Kvarnbergsvägen 8 on Ljusterö. There will be a car taking your bags to B.

FEEDBACK: Please let me know

1/ if you are cuming so amount of food and beverage can be planned for.

2/ if you are staying over so I can prepare the beds.

3/ if u r bringing a prams so I can make a pram friendly trail.

TRAIL: It’s going to be an A2B run and walkers trail. The walkers trail will be about 8 k and runner trails 11-15 k including two optional swimstops. It's rather long, but on the other hand we start early :-). For those that plan to swim I recommend that you bring towel and clothes that you can both swim and run in. Valuables will be kept dry in boat or waterproof bag while swimming.


Getting there:

Alt 1 – The most scenic - Take the classical  Waxholms boat “Södertörn” tur 951 towards Väsbystrand from Strömkajen 9.00-11.17. There is a cafeteria onboard if you want to enjoy a simple breakfest and sleep a bit longer in the morning. Cost for trip is - 95 kr, 69 kr if you are under 20 or over 65 years. You buy tickets onboard. Make sure to tell the Waxholmboat crew that you want to disembark at Öran brygga so they know they should stop there. Normally they ask when you embark the boat. I called Washolmsbolaget and asked them to cater for 15 more passengers than usual. They recommended that you are there ½ h in advance to make sure you get onboard. Make sure to tell the Waxholmboat crew that you want to disembark at Öran brygga so they know they should stop there. Normally they ask when you embark the boat.

Alt 2 - The fastest and partly scenic - Take bus 670 from Danderyds sjukhus 9.15 and get off at Söderhamnsplan in Vaxholm @ 9.49. You then take “Södertörn” (same boat as alt 1 ) that leaves 10.05. Cost – 63kr and 46kr if you are <20 or >65 years old. You buy tickets onboard the boat.

Alt 3 - The budget alternative - (if you got a public transport card) - Take bus 626 from Danderyds sjukhus @9.25 and you will arrive 11.18 @ Vadholma Vägskäl.

Alt 4 – The I want to use my own transport alternative - Take car and or boat to the On-Inn. You can park the your car on the site or the boat by the landing, leave your stuff and take the bus 626 from Mjölnarström bus station leaving 11.04 towards Vadholma Vägskäl - it's the same bus as alternative 3 so u might have some hashers on it already. Note that this bus comes from Tranvik before going to Linanäs so make sure you are on the right side of the road. Count on 15 minutes walk from casa SCF to the bus station to be on the safe side. So if you come with car or own boat – bring a public transport card with you so you can get to A. If you run late or miss the bus you can leave the car at Öran and pick it up somehow after the hash.

Getting back:

Alt 1 Bus 626 from Mjölnarström ->Danderyds sjukhus 17.56-19.30 or Lillström -> Danderyds sjukhus 19.44-21.27

Alt 2 Waxholmsboat Stensvik-> Strömkajen 13.11-15.15 on Sunday (I can drive you there). Cost – 95kr and 69kr if you are <20 or >65 years old.

Alt 3 Other bus or boat alternatives on Sunday if you are staying over - see (bus alternatives - search on Mjölnarström or Lillström to Danderyds sjukhus, boat alternatives - search on Stensviks or Linanäs brygga)

FOOD: This year the Fermented Herring will be accompanied by its Asian smelly equivalent Durian "king of fruits". For those not fond of the smelly stuff there will be Crayfish and a vegetarian alternative. Unfortunately the shop that promised to provide fresh Durian failed me :-(. Reason was that their neighbors threatened to heave the shop rental contract due to the Durian smell. However I got hold of a bit frozen Durian that will be thawned just in time for dinner for those of you who want to sample the Asian delicacy.

ACCOMODATION: There are extra beds indoor for 6, 2 in the sailing boat, a sofa and a tent friendly garden. If you plan to stay - bring sleeping bag or duvet and pillowcase.

STAFF: SillyConFeet is hare, Ferdinand the Bullshit and hopefully some more food helpers and Hot Stuff as fermented herring general.

DRESS CODE: Hash gear after weather. Swim gear is recommended as there will be a swim-stops and not enough shower possibilities for the bunch of you. Non-shy hashers can of course do without the swim gear. If you are a non-swimmer you can dip yourself from the landing by the house if you want to freshen up.


Emergency phone number: 0722226580.

Last updated about 6 years ago.