SAH3 Run #786
Santa goes Sauna
Saturday, 16 December 2017, 14:00 CET
: Skogsvägen 12
: Bad PittBad PittBad Pitt (PHNwYW4gZGF0YS1jb250cm9sbGVyPSJvYmZ1c2MiPlBHRWdhSEpsWmowaWJXRnBiSFJ2T214bGJtNWhjblJBYzNabGJuTnpiMjV6WjJWemRHVnlMbk5sSWo1c1pXNXVZWEowUUhOMlpXNXpjMjl1YzJkbGMzUmxjaTV6WlR3dllUND08L3NwYW4+IDxhIGhyZWY9InRlbDowNzA1NTMzMDAwIj4wNzA1NTMzMDAwPC9hPg==)
: 80 kr
: Svenssons Veranda

Underground: Line 18 towards Farsta. Get off at Station Sandsborg. Follow half arrows to on inn.

Car: Enter Skogsvägen from Sockenvägen and you will be able to park on the right side of Skogsvägen.

So, at last, my new bathroom is ready for action. We can shower, take a bath or make it in the sauna.

Before that we will run or walk. Walkers are pram friendly. There will be turkeys and eagles. And a Drinkstop.

Christmas bags and hot meals for everyone. Carnivores and veggies. Christmas beer and mulled wine.

Come as a Christmas tree or put your best Christmas outfit on!

PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOU ARE COMING! mail: PGEgaHJlZj0ibWFpbHRvOmxlbm5hcnRAc3ZlbnNzb25zZ2VzdGVyLnNlIj5sZW5uYXJ0QHN2ZW5zc29uc2dlc3Rlci5zZTwvYT4=  or sms: 0705533000

Ho Ho

Bad Santa

Last updated almost 7 years ago.