SAH3 Run #751
Absolute #751 – the fermented herring and crayfish hash
Saturday, 13 August 2016, 11:00 CEST
: Stensvik at Ljusterö
: 100 (20 more due to extra costs)
: Kvarnbergsv 8 at Ljusterö

WHAT: Absolute #751 – the fermented herring and crayfish hash on fish fork island (Ljusterö) – welcome!

WHEN: NOTE – THIS HASH WILL START 11.00 when bus 626 arrives @ Stensvik and NOT 15.00, Saturday the 13th of August 2016 (making it possible to participate in Midnattsloppet that starts 21.30-22 without stress)

WHERE: A will be Stensvik, B will be Casa SillyConFeet on Kvarnbergsvägen 8 on Ljusterö. There will be car at Stensvik taking your bags to B.

FEEDBACK: Please let me know

1/ if you are cuming so I can plan amount of food and beer.

2/ if you are staying over so I can prepare the beds.

3/ if you bring a pram so I can prepare walkers trail for prams.

4/ if you are cuming with car or own boat to B so I can arrange transport to A.

TRAIL: It’s going to be an A2B run/walk. The walkers trail will be about 5 k and runner trails 7-12 k and swimmers 260 m to swimstop. There will be one drink/sweetstop and one drink/swimstop


Getting there: 

Alt 1 Take Waxholms boat Vånö ( from Strömkajen 8.30-10.35. You can buy sandwich, yougurt and juice on the boat.

Alt 2 Take bus 626 from Danderyds sjukhus 9.25 and get off at Stensvik 10.55

Alt 2 Take car and drive to the venue on Kvarnbergsv 8 at Ljusterö ( Let me know if you take your own car so I can arrange so you get to Stensvik landing before the start. You need to be there latest 10.15. If you come later you can take the bus from Mjölnarström bus station leaving 10.51 towards Tranvik (4 minutes to Stensvik).

Recommended ways of getting back:

Alt 1 Stensvik -> Strömkajen 18.30-20.30 – then you get a scenic home trip. The landing is 3.5 km away – please let me know in advance you want to take this boat. Cost for taking the boat – look at

Alt 2 Bus 626 from Mjölnarström ->Danderyds sjukhus 17.56-19.30 or Lillström -> Danderyds sjukhus 17.57-19.30 or 19.44-21.27

Alt 3 Waxholmsboat Stensvik-> Strömkajen 12.55-14.55 on Sunday (I can drive you there).

Alt 4 Other bus or boat alternatives on Sunday if you are stayining over - see (bus alternatives - search on Mjölnarström or Lillström to Danderyds sjukhus, boat alternatives - search on Stensviks brygga or Linanäs brygga)

ACCOMODATION: There are extra beds indoor for 6, 2 in the sailing boat, a sofa and a tent friendly garden. If you plan to stay - bring sleeping bag or duvet and pillowcase.

STAFF: SillyConFeet is hare and Bad Pitt co-hare. Hot Stuff is principal specialist in manners and customs regarding fermented herring.

DRESS CODE: hash gear after weather.  Swimgear recommended as there will be a swimstop which and there are no shower possibilities. Non-shy hashers can of course do without the swim gear.

OTHER: Enjoy!

Emergency phone number: 0708-184964 




Last updated about 8 years ago.