SAH3 Run #733
Stockholm Absolut An(nu)al Grand Piss-Up
Saturday, 5 December 2015, 13:00 CET
: Kantatvägen 1-7 (innergården)
: Mizman (PHNwYW4gZGF0YS1jb250cm9sbGVyPSJvYmZ1c2MiPlBHRWdhSEpsWmowaWJXRnBiSFJ2T20xaGNtMXBkR1UxTWtCb2IzUnRZV2xzTG1OdmJTSStiV0Z5YldsMFpUVXlRR2h2ZEcxaGFXd3VZMjl0UEM5aFBnPT08L3NwYW4+)
: 50 kr

This years Absolut AGPU will be in Nacka on December 5 at 1pm. (The same hyresgästlokal that Triple Nipple had a run from earlier.)

There will be halfarrows from Storängen (the busstop after Nacka Forum coming from town) to the OnInn, a "gårdshus" at Kantatvägen 1-7 (innergården).

We will start with the meeting and do the hash run afterwards. 

Agenda: Choose new mizman, current economy status, how do we use the mailing-list, optimize the hash fee?, any other business.

We have a sauna booked between 5-8pm.

There will be drinks.

We will eat some time during the evening, there will be meat/fish and a veggie alternative, dessert.  If you have a food allergy or are vegetarian, let Marmite or Rosé know.

There will be drinks.

The theme is glitter and glamour, if you feel like it there will be dancing, more info about the music will come from Rosé.

There will be drinks.

Cost for the evening is the amazing fee of 50 kr included in the price are drinks.

The harriettes might have a surprise in store for you .... You do not want to miss this day!

We have the premises between 1-10pm, between 10-11 pm we (that are left) clean out our mess, the rest of the drinks can be consumed whilst cleaning.

Who is coming:

1 Ditch Bitch
2 Little Brother

3 Big Mouth
4 Big Brother
5 Fourpack
6 Concrete Erection
7 Sir Clever Dick
10 Laid Bird
11 Titan Dick
12 Rosé 
13 Pippi
14 John Cleese
15 Horny Tale
16 Marmite
17 Termite
18 Pucko
19 Double Dick
20 Hot Stuff
21 Nordic Seamen
22 Violence
23 Malibog
24 Red Horse
25 SilliConFeet
26 Eiisa Päiittä
27 Fluffer
28 Two Swedes Coming
29 Menage à Trois (maybe)
30 Jingle Balls
31 Tripple Nipple
32 Little Ingrid
33 Ali Wank Bonk
34 Violent Volvo
35 Clark Kent
36 Bubbles (long losthasher)
37 Eager Beaver
38 Bad Pitt
39 Bambi and horrors (maybe)
40 Dirty Dancer
41 Frozen Balls
42 Floater
43 Pole Fucker
44 Miss Money Penny
45 Nobby
46 Sofa
47 Tonedeaf
48 Wet One
49 Sex Tourist
50 Cock Tail
51 Jannie Walker
52 Two Pricks and Lucky

If you are not on the list and want to be, let Marmite know.

/Your devoted harriettes

Last updated over 8 years ago.